Thursday, June 11, 2009

Clever shawl

I've had this shawl finished for a while now, but have jsut been bad about getting pictures up.

So without further ado, a crappy in-the-hallway picture taken with my cellphone, and an even crappier on-the-bed photo of this shawl.

In all seriousness I love this shawl. The way it stays together without a shawl pin is just plain. . . clever. I don't even undo it when I take it off, I just slip it on and off over my head.

THis was made with some of my earlier handspun. It's still incredibly nice, but the stuff I've done more recently is vastly superior. I like having things like this around to remind me of my humble spinning beginnings.


Jennifer said...

That's really cute!

Folly Cove Fiber Freaks said...

No matter the picture quality, the shawl is wonderful!