Monday, April 11, 2011

Auto Wheel Zone!

I seem to have a penchant for getting friends addicted to spinning.  It probably happens because of how much I like it, and that kind of enjoyment can be very contagious.

Lynn of Yarn Tree Studio is one such person to whom I have passed along the addiction.  Today, Jeff and I met a gentleman out in Hillsborough to exchange cash for wheel.  Unfortunately he'd not oiled the wood since he'd gotten it, and probably not oiled the moving parts in 14 of the 15 years since he'd bought the wheel.

Needless to say, it needed a bit of TLC.  It had rust on some of its metal parts, and some of the wood was a bit oil-stained due to him trying to remedy a squeak in the treadle.

So, off to Auto Wheel Zone!  (conveniently located at my house)

The rust was taken care of with some fine steel wool and elbow grease, followed by sewing machine oil.  That took care of the squeak and got the wheel back up to good working condition   The rest is better told in pictures.

The wheel, before

The wood is rough and dry, but some work with a cotton cloth, some soft steel wool and some lemon oil. . .

See the difference between the horizontal post and the wheel?  Dry, dry wood!

Aaaaahhhhhh, that's soooo much better.

A short test run indicates it is spinning beautifully.

A little copper wire and some round nose pliers. . .
It's all set and ready to spin!

 I know Lynn is going to love it!

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