Friday, August 15, 2014


Holy cow, has it really been more than two years since I blogged?  Yeah.  Bad Blogger.

Let me explain . . . no. there is to much.  Let me sum up.

Festival.  Stress.  Betrayal. Anger. Lies. Forgiveness. Repair.  Festival. Regret. Lies. Anger. Forgiveness. Lies.  Anger.  Freedom.     Separation.     Searching.     Self.  

Happy.    New.

Happy.  Me.

Yeah.  That about sums it up.  Throw in a ton of knitting, spinning, time with friends, and time alone and you have the past two years.  I've started and completed somewhere around 100 projects in the past two years, and that doesn't count all of the spinning (only some of the bigger projects).

I've quit working at my old job when work became tight (which started back in 2010), and started working for a fabulous company, where I have the room to move up and learn new things.  Plus a huge raise that certainly doesn't hurt!

Here's to me, and here's to new paths!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yay! Onwards and upwards!