Here are some of the highlights!
Ana is just adorable pregnant, and is here with Eric modeling the matching hats she made for him and their son.
The guys all played the game "sympathy" and wore a backpack with the same amount of weight in it as Ana has put on during her pregnancy.
(I think Phil is worried that he's the Baby Daddy)
Phil didn't take motherhood very seriously.
Brianna showed us what fun Eric and Ana have to look forward to (the bouncy ball was incredibly exciting, although it was too big for her to pick up)
Everyone decorated onesies with fabric markers, and came up with both some very silly and Very VERY silly ones (okay, so a couple were artistic as well)
It was a lot of fun! We need to host awesome parties like this more often!
I love the idea for onesies! How cool! Now if only I could figure out the runes... ;)
One says
"Little Odin"
One says
"Little Heathen"
And one is general blessings for the child.
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